More Introducers are joining us!

insurance brokers introducers
We’ve always grown mostly by word of mouth, but it’s accelerating more and more, since we’re receiving regular enquiries from people wanting to be introducers with us.

Here’s just a few examples of the most recent Introducers we’ve had join us:


Letting Agent wanting a reliable Insurance partner to pass their Property Owner enquiries to us

Paralegal looking for someone to handle their various Insurance enquiries

Will writer who is regularly asked about Insurance by his clients

Financial Adviser firm looking for a home for their General Insurance needs

The great thing for all of these new Introducers is, all they have to do is put their customer in touch with us as and when they want to, and if they become a client, they get paid and their customer loves them for putting us together – win win!

I think this just reinforces that people still buy from people they like, know and trust – websites are great but the number of Insurance Brokers Introducers coming our way at the moment tells me that not everybody wants to trust the arrangement of their Insurances to a web site, but instead still value good old personal customer service.

How it works as an Insurance Broker Introducer

Introducing a client for Insurance purposes is a regulated activity, so it has to be done in a certain (compliant) way.  There are a number of compliant ways to introduce a client, but the most common Introducer arrangement we have is where the Introducer just puts us in touch and lets us  ‘get on with it’.

We then deal with the customer from start to finish, taking care of them all year round until each renewal too.

Each year the customer is with us, the Introducer gets paid commission (for as long as the Introducer agreement is in force).

So if you know anyone who might be interested in being an introducer with us, please feel free to put them in touch.

Here’s to a busy final few months of the year!

Cheers for now,
