6 reasons why you should be one of our Introducers
If you run a Business (especially one in the services industry such as Accountants, IFAs, Solicitors etc), then you may be interested to learn the benefits of being one of our Introducers.
Here’s just a few…
Your clients will love you – they come to you because you’re their ”go-to” people to solve their problems. If you can help them with their Insurance needs too, that’s another tick in box for the and it will make you look great!
We do all the work – however you choose to go about referring us, we’ll do all the leg work to make it a success. We can provide you with bespoke promotional materials and even cover some of your expenses such as postage costs to promote us. The same goes when we talk to your client – we’ll take care of everything.
The competition are doing it – in an age where companies need to diversify or at the very least be geared up to help when clients come ‘troubleshooting’, having us up your sleeve helps to better satisfy and serve their needs for longer.
It’s very profitable – typically our introducers just give us contact details for their client or vice versa when we’re needed – we do all the leg work and then pay commissions for it. It’s virtually money for nothing, especially since we also pay commissions at renewal of the clients’ Insurance (when there’s even less for you to do!).
We take all the risk – referring customers to us could be a significant extension of your current offering and yet we take all the risk – we are responsible for taking care of the client and ensuring they’re well looked after (which we are excellent at – check out our awards & Trading Standards approval!).
There’s no obligation – stop or start whenever you like, there’s no minimum amount of referrals you must make, and we’ll never give you or your clients the hard sell.
Sound good? If you think you’d like to find out more, contact us now or visit our Introducers/Affiliates page.
Click here to read what our introducers say about us